World of Music

About Us

our history

Our idea was formed from the second we heard our first The Doors song, from the moment we saw The Rolling Stones live. From the moment we walked into the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert. We thought everyone should have those bands that make you feel your life is complete and all makes sense. Everyone should have that opportunity. Although definitions of music vary around the world, every single known culture partakes in it, and it's considered a cultural universal. Cultures have their own origins and theories concerning the invention of music, generally rooted in their respective mythological, religious or philosophical beliefs.

nuestra historia

Nuestra idea se formó desde el momento en que escuchamos nuestra primera canción de The Doors, desde el momento en que vimos a The Rolling Stones en vivo. Desde el momento en que entramos al concierto de Red Hot Chili Peppers. Pensamos que todos deberían tener esas bandas que te hacen sentir que tu vida está completa y que todo tiene sentido. Todo el mundo debería tener esa oportunidad. Aunque las definiciones de música varían en todo el mundo, todas las culturas conocidas participan en ella y se considera un universal cultural. Las culturas tienen sus propios orígenes y teorías sobre la invención de la música, generalmente arraigadas en sus respectivas creencias mitológicas, religiosas o filosóficas.

our vision

Our vision is to make people aware of all the great artists out there. Big names all the way to people preforming at bars on the weekend, we want to have them all logged. This is our way of keeping history written down and have an accessible, convinent place for you to find all the info on your favorite artists!

Music has shaped our culture and it's something that builds community. Our vision is that not a single person out there can say they're "not a music person" because we owe music so much.

We hope you will join our family of music enthusiasts and join world of music! We are a global music empire with all the resources you will need. Because as Steel Pulse once said "I can't go life without music."

nuestra visión

Nuestra visión es hacer que las personas conozcan a todos los grandes artistas que existen. Desde grandes nombres hasta personas que se presentan en bares los fines de semana, queremos tenerlos registrados a todos. ¡Esta es nuestra forma de mantener la historia escrita y tener un lugar accesible y conveniente para que encuentres toda la información sobre tus artistas favoritos!

La música ha dado forma a nuestra cultura y es algo que construye una comunidad. Nuestra visión es que ni una sola persona pueda decir que "no es una persona de música" porque le debemos mucho a la música.

¡Esperamos que se una a nuestra familia de entusiastas de la música y se una al mundo de la música! Somos un imperio musical global con todos los recursos que necesitarás. Porque como Steel Pulse dijo una vez: "No puedo pasar la vida sin música".

about our it guy

Nico Tassos aka The Big Fomo is determined to fix every bug in our website. This ensures that we never crash and we can always be there for you day and night. He grew up with our amazing, smart, beautiful, life-changing leader Sophia Mills. When he came out of college he had no job offers and Sophia felt very bad for him so she hired him and he proved to be mildly useful.

about our janitor

Cole Bucher, he had never heard music before we hired him. As a child he would be found listening to pure white noise in his headphones. Nowdays you can find him listening to Dua Lipa on a regualr basis. We are so glad we could help our staff explore music and expand their pallet. Although his music taste could be better, we are proud of how far hes come.

about our leader

Sophia Mills, our founder, has always loved music. Her parents are music fanatics and listen to everything from classic Chilean music, classic rock, metal, hip hop, reggae and anything else you can imagine. Her vision is what started this idea which snowballed into the empire we've built today. She's seen tons of concerts and owns a giant record, cd and cassete collection. She tries to listen to anything she can get her hands on. We hope she can inspire you to do the same.

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Metallica On Tour!

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